This is version 1 of the software. Please don’t hit us with a bad review based on things we’re still working on, or before you give us some suggestions! (Bad reviews deter new users, which make it hard for a plugin to get off the ground so that it is worth improving). We’re very eager for your feedback in the support channel. In the coming weeks and months we will:

  • Allow logins on sites using non-default WordPress permalinks – now done!
  • Replace the login QR code (current version) with a “Keyy wave” – an animated barcode which was a loved feature of Clef
  • Launch a single-sign on feature, so logging into one site with Keyy logs you into all sites on that device
  • Make it possible to log into localhost and Intranet sites (i.e. those which cannot receive new incoming connections from the Internet)
  • Plus various other smaller tweaks